You will never be a Software Developer!

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

You will never be a Software Developer!

Difference between 1990s and 2020s in IT


Lukasz was born in 1986. Compared to the mental development of today's society, these were the times of caves and mental cavemen, but also no-technical eldorado. His first computer had 16MB of RAM, a 512MB hard drive, and a 14-inch monitor with a tube and Windows 95 on board. That was what Lukasz's first computer looked like. Work in DOS, first contact with an IT specialist who told him that if he only pressed Start, nothing would break. There was no internet back then and very few books about operation systems, hardware, and software. If you wanted to learn something, it was best to find someone who already knew how to do it. Over time, Lukasz got to know more and more, his friends got more computers from his parents, and when it was necessary to exchange data, he went with the disk to a friend. As the game required 32MB of RAM, you took your own and installed it on a friend's computer. The 1990s were quite different times from nowadays, but there were Lukasz's first steps in the IT industry looked like.

It can be said that these were times when society focused on conservatism, and people did not chase innovations. Every attempt to create something new, more functional than working on the land, in a factory or mine, was underestimated. Lukasz lived in times when the first attempt at the internet, the world wide web, was created. In the late 1990s, everyone used the internet in internet coffee shops. We called it internet coffee shops, but there were a few spots in the city where guys had a broadband internet connection. We played games like Diablo and Starcraft on LAN and used the internet there. Speed was not incredibly fast. One image 2MB or 3MB MP3 file was downloaded in 40-50 minutes.

Why do I write this kind of stuff? I wish you, the reader visualize now and see the point of contrast between those times and today. Now we live in another Epoque. Today you can imagine that You want to be a specialist in some branch and after three years you got it. Information access nowadays helps you realize yourself and work in your dream job whenever you want. Everyone has this information access key which can be used. The only thing you can do is go out of your comfort zone and start to learn new stuff.


Thirty years later. Only thirty years. Today times let you do things a couple of years before that were almost impossible. In every way, it's easier to communicate, find interesting information, travel, or find entertainment.

Lukasz decided to change his career, and after 15 years working in the pharmaceutical industry, he wanted to realize his dreams and become a software developer. He remembered that he always wanted to do that; he wanted to create. He found himself in creation, but not this type of creation. He loved staring at others' emotions when he made a movie or graphic design for someone else. He understands that as a software developer, he can build whatever he imagines. It's enough to take steps and go all the way!

Finally, changes appear. He started free boot camps online and learned the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. He decided to take some severe study cases, and every day, he codes. He codes 10 hours daily, looking for others who have already done it before, who are software developers. He did project after project, and his determination to achieve what he wanted let him get his first job in IT. After that, nothing was the same again.